

|About the Book|

Educated but untaught, involved but unknowing, Catholic but spiritually reserved, white but unwittingly blinded by the ubiquitous whiteness surrounding him. These are some of the many storylines W.E. ‘Bill’ Wynne explores in this relevant account of his social and racial justice advocacy journey and conversion over the course of his life. Despite these looming shadows, other hurdles hovering over his middle-class upbringing, and missed signals accessible as a businessman and active community contributor, Wynne slowly but surely attains life-changing insight and finds his voice in becoming an authentic justice advocate with others.

Wynne’s self-discovery of the many evils associated with the racial injustice permeating our society, institutions, and our hearts is captivating, experiential, and illuminated by his innate ability to build diverse relationships that result in many enduring friendships. The serendipitous and fascinating nature of the varied human networks that mysteriously and organically interconnect and multiply through the decades of Wynne’s life is essential to his anti-racism work and activism today.

This intrepid tale of his sixty-year-plus pilgrimage from unknowingness to continuing enlightenment provides anyone, irrespective of religion, color, ethnicity, age, or gender, extremely helpful guidance in overcoming frozenness, reticence, and fear of social and racial justice engagement.


A Little Perspective

of people in prison or jail are Black, while making up 13% of General US Population. ||

Arrest rate for Black vs 2795 white Americans per 100,000. |PrisonPolicy.Org|

Drop in disparity accounted for, in previous numbers, as of 2018. |Pew Research|

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