
‘The Chosen’ and ‘Transparency’ — A Principle of Democracy

‘The Chosen’ and ‘Transparency’ — A Principle of Democracy

Before I begin the discussion about Transparency as a principle of Democracy, I’d first like to explore ‘The Chosen,’ a popular TV series about the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples, and how it addresses issues like racism, prejudice, and male supremacy through its narrative and character development. The show provides a nuanced depiction of these social issues by highlighting the cultural and societal norms of the time and contrasting them with Jesus’ teachings and actions. And as I will suggest later, it has many connections with the principle of Transparency.

Racism and Prejudice

‘The Chosen’ portrays racism and prejudice primarily through the interactions between different ethnic and social groups in the ancient world. For example:

  • Jewish and Samaritan Relations: The series delves into the historical animosity between Jews and Samaritans. In one episode, Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well is depicted. This encounter not only showcases deep-seated prejudice but also emphasizes Jesus’ radical approach to breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity (note: discussed in the previous Blog post).
  • Roman Occupation: The tension between the Jewish population and the Roman authorities is another focal point. Characters such as Matthew, a Jewish tax collector working for the Romans, and Simon Peter, who harbors resentment towards the Romans, illustrate the complexities of loyalty, betrayal, and prejudice within the occupied society.

Male Supremacy

The issue of male supremacy is addressed through the portrayal of women’s roles and their interactions with Jesus and his disciples:

  • Mary Magdalene: Her character arc is significant in challenging the norms of male supremacy. Initially depicted as a woman struggling with demonic possession and societal rejection, Mary is accepted and valued by Jesus, who treats her with dignity and respect, showcasing a stark contrast to the prevailing attitudes of the time.
  • Female Disciples: The inclusion and treatment of female disciples, such as Mary Magdalene and other women who follow Jesus, highlight the radical nature of Jesus’ ministry. By giving these women important roles and depicting them as integral members of his group, the show challenges the traditional patriarchal norms.
  • Family Dynamics: The series also explores the dynamics within families, showing women as active participants in their households and communities. Characters like Eden, Simon Peter’s wife, are portrayed as strong, supportive, and influential, thereby challenging the notion of male supremacy.

Overall Impact

‘The Chosen’ effectively uses its historical setting to address contemporary issues of racism, prejudice, and male supremacy. By portraying Jesus as a figure who consistently challenges social norms and advocates for equality and compassion, the show provides viewers with a powerful message about the importance of inclusivity and the breaking down of societal barriers. The character-driven storytelling allows for a deep exploration of these themes, making them relatable and impactful for modern audiences.

Transparency as a Principle of Democracy

Transparency is a fundamental principle of democracy, essential for ensuring that government actions and decisions are open to scrutiny by the public. It involves the availability of clear, accessible information regarding government processes, decisions, and expenditures. Here’s how transparency functions as a cornerstone of democratic governance:

1. Accountability

Transparency allows citizens to hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. When government activities are open to public scrutiny, it is easier to identify and address misconduct, corruption, and inefficiency. Public officials are more likely to act in the best interests of the people when they know their actions are being watched and assessed.

2. Informed Citizenry

For democracy to function effectively, citizens need to be well-informed about what their government is doing. Transparency ensures that information about policies, decision-making processes, and government performance is readily available. This enables citizens to make informed decisions, particularly when voting or participating in public debates.

3. Trust and Legitimacy

Transparency builds trust between the government and its citizens. When people can see that their government is operating openly and honestly, they are more likely to trust its decisions and comply with its laws. This trust is crucial for the legitimacy of the government and the stability of the democratic system.

4. Participation and Engagement

Transparency encourages greater public participation in the democratic process. When government activities and information are accessible, citizens are more likely to engage in dialogue, attend public meetings, and contribute to policymaking. This active participation strengthens democracy by ensuring that diverse voices and perspectives are heard and considered.

5. Prevention of Corruption

By making government operations visible to the public, transparency acts as a deterrent to corruption. When officials know that their actions are subject to public oversight, there is less opportunity for corrupt practices to go unnoticed. Transparent systems often include mechanisms like open bidding for contracts and public disclosure of financial statements, which help to prevent corruption.

6. Efficiency and Effectiveness

Transparency can lead to more efficient and effective governance. When government operations are open, it allows for better monitoring and evaluation of public services and programs. This can lead to improvements and innovations in how services are delivered, ensuring that resources are used more effectively to meet public needs.

7. Protection of Rights

Transparency helps protect citizens’ rights by providing them with the information they need to exercise their rights fully. For instance, access to information about laws, regulations, and government actions enables citizens to challenge injustices and seek redress when their rights are violated.

8. Economic Benefits

Economic transparency, such as clear information on government spending, budgets, and financial policies, promotes fiscal responsibility and stability. It can attract investment by creating a predictable and trustworthy economic environment, contributing to overall economic growth and prosperity.

In summary, transparency is essential for the healthy functioning of a democracy. It ensures that government actions are open to public scrutiny, promotes accountability and trust, encourages informed citizen participation, and helps prevent corruption. By upholding the principle of transparency, democratic societies can foster a more engaged, informed, and empowered citizenry.

Note: There are at least 50 Bible Verses about Transparency that apply to Government and Democracy! … see

Now with that connection to Scripture, how might Transparency connect with ‘The Chosen’?  I’ve taken the liberty to do some research and contrast this important principle with how it is being portrayed in this historical drama.

‘The Chosen’ is primarily focused on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and it does not directly address modern principles of government such as transparency. However, certain elements and themes in the show can be seen as indirectly reflecting the importance of Transparency, especially in the context of moral and ethical leadership. Here are some ways in which ‘The Chosen’ touches on themes related to Transparency:

1. Jesus’ Open Ministry: Jesus’ teachings and actions are portrayed as being open and accessible to all. He preaches publicly, performs miracles in front of large crowds, and engages with people from all walks of life. This openness can be seen as a form of transparency, where his message and actions are not hidden but are shared widely and without discrimination.

2. Confronting Hypocrisy: The series often depicts Jesus confronting the hypocrisy and corruption of religious leaders of the time. For example, he challenges the Pharisees and Sadducees, who were known for their secretive and often self-serving practices. By calling out their behavior in public, Jesus advocates for integrity and accountability, which are core aspects of transparency.

3. Inclusivity and Openness: Jesus’ willingness to interact with and include marginalized individuals, such as tax collectors, Samaritans, and women, reflects a commitment to breaking down barriers and making his ministry inclusive. This can be seen as a parallel to the democratic principle of transparency, where openness and inclusivity are key.

4. Disciples’ Questions and Doubts: The series shows the disciples frequently questioning Jesus and expressing their doubts and concerns. Jesus’ responses are often patient and explanatory, providing clarity and understanding. This open dialogue mirrors the transparency that is crucial in a democratic society, where leaders are expected to communicate openly with their constituents.

5. Honesty in Personal Interactions: Many characters in ‘The Chosen’ undergo personal transformations that involve becoming more honest and open. For example, Matthew the tax collector transforms from a secretive, isolated individual to a transparent and honest follower of Jesus. This personal transparency is a microcosm of the broader ethical principle.

While ‘The Chosen’ does not explicitly focus on the modern principle of government Transparency, it portrays themes of openness, honesty, accountability, and inclusivity through its depiction of Jesus’ life and teachings. These themes resonate with the values underpinning Transparency in a democratic context.

I trust that you found this discussion helpful by bringing in a contemporary example such as “The Chosen’ to assist in understanding the power of true democracy within our daily lives … and the many rights and freedoms we would lose within more autocratic systems.

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